lib_pseven module¶
Wrapper for the Generic Tool for Optimization (GTOpt) of pSeven Core.
- class gemseo_pseven.lib_pseven.PSevenAlgorithmDescription(algorithm_name, internal_algorithm_name, library_name='pSeven', description='', website='', handle_integer_variables=False, require_gradient=False, handle_equality_constraints=False, handle_inequality_constraints=False, handle_multiobjective=False, positive_constraints=False, problem_type=ProblemType.NON_LINEAR)[source]
The description of an optimization algorithm from the NLopt library.
- Parameters:
algorithm_name (str) –
internal_algorithm_name (str) –
library_name (str) –
By default it is set to “pSeven”.
description (str) –
By default it is set to “”.
website (str) –
By default it is set to “”.
handle_integer_variables (bool) –
By default it is set to False.
require_gradient (bool) –
By default it is set to False.
handle_equality_constraints (bool) –
By default it is set to False.
handle_inequality_constraints (bool) –
By default it is set to False.
handle_multiobjective (bool) –
By default it is set to False.
positive_constraints (bool) –
By default it is set to False.
problem_type (OptimizationProblem.ProblemType) –
By default it is set to “non-linear”.
- algorithm_name: str
The name of the algorithm in GEMSEO.
- internal_algorithm_name: str
The name of the algorithm in the wrapped library.
- library_name: str = 'pSeven'
The name of the wrapped library.
- website: str = ''
The website of the wrapped library or algorithm.
- class gemseo_pseven.lib_pseven.PSevenOpt[source]
Interface for the Generic Tool for Optimization (GTOpt) of pSeven Core.
The missing current values of the
attached to theOptimizationProblem
are automatically initialized with the methodDesignSpace.initialize_missing_current_values()
- OPTIONS_MAP: ClassVar[dict[str, str]] = {'constraints_smoothness': 'GTOpt/ConstraintsSmoothness', 'detect_nan_clusters': 'GTOpt/DetectNaNClusters', 'deterministic': 'GTOpt/Deterministic', 'diff_scheme': 'GTOpt/DiffScheme', 'diff_step': 'GTOpt/NumDiffStepSize', 'diff_type': 'GTOpt/DiffType', 'ensure_feasibility': 'GTOpt/EnsureFeasibility', 'global_phase_intensity': 'GTOpt/GlobalPhaseIntensity', 'local_search': 'GTOpt/LocalSearch', 'log_level': 'GTOpt/LogLevel', 'max_batch_size': 'GTOpt/BatchSize', 'max_expensive_func_iter': 'GTOpt/MaximumExpensiveIterations', 'max_func_iter': 'GTOpt/MaximumIterations', 'max_threads': 'GTOpt/MaxParallel', 'objectives_smoothness': 'GTOpt/ObjectivesSmoothness', 'responses_scalability': 'GTOpt/ResponsesScalability', 'restore_analytic_func': 'GTOpt/RestoreAnalyticResponses', 'seed': 'GTOpt/Seed', 'time_limit': 'GTOpt/TimeLimit', 'verbose_log': 'GTOpt/VerboseOutput'}
The names of the options in GEMSEO mapping to those in the wrapped library.
- descriptions: dict[str, AlgorithmDescription]
The description of the algorithms contained in the library.
- internal_algo_name: str | None
The internal name of the algorithm used currently.
It typically corresponds to the name of the algorithm in the wrapped library if any.
- opt_grammar: JSONGrammar | None
The grammar defining the options of the current algorithm.
- problem: OptimizationProblem
The optimization problem the driver library is bonded to.