gemseo / algos / opt / augmented_lagrangian

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penalty_heuristic module

Augmented Lagrangian penalty update scheme.

class gemseo.algos.opt.augmented_lagrangian.penalty_heuristic.AugmentedLagrangianPenaltyHeuristic[source]

Bases: BaseAugmentedLagrangian

This class implements the penalty update scheme of [BMartinez14].

This class must be inherited in order to implement the function _update_lagrange_multipliers().


The missing current values of the DesignSpace attached to the OptimizationProblem are automatically initialized with the method DesignSpace.initialize_missing_current_values().

algo_name: str | None

The name of the algorithm used currently.

descriptions: dict[str, AlgorithmDescription]

The description of the algorithms contained in the library.

internal_algo_name: str | None

The internal name of the algorithm used currently.

It typically corresponds to the name of the algorithm in the wrapped library if any.

opt_grammar: JSONGrammar | None

The grammar defining the options of the current algorithm.

problem: OptimizationProblem

The optimization problem the driver library is bonded to.