Source code for gemseo.problems.mdo.sobieski.disciplines

# Copyright 2021 IRT Saint Exupéry,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
#    INITIAL AUTHORS - initial API and implementation and/or initial
#                        documentation
#        :author: Francois Gallard
"""The disciplines of the Sobieski's SSBJ use case."""

from __future__ import annotations

import time
from numbers import Number
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from numpy import array

from gemseo.core.discipline import Discipline
from gemseo.disciplines.remapping import RemappingDiscipline
from gemseo.problems.mdo.sobieski.core.problem import SobieskiProblem
from gemseo.problems.mdo.sobieski.core.utils import SobieskiBase

    from import Iterable

    from gemseo.typing import StrKeyMapping

[docs] class SobieskiDiscipline(Discipline): """Abstract base discipline for the Sobieski's SSBJ use case.""" dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType """The data type for the NumPy arrays.""" sobieski_problem: SobieskiProblem """The Sobieski's SSBJ use case defining the MDO problem, e.g. disciplines, constraints, design space and reference optimum.""" GRAMMAR_DIRECTORY = Path(__file__).parent / "grammars" auto_detect_grammar_files = True _ATTR_NOT_TO_SERIALIZE = Discipline._ATTR_NOT_TO_SERIALIZE.union( [ "sobieski_problem", ], ) def __init__( self, dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, ) -> None: """ Args: dtype: The data type for the NumPy arrays, either "float64" or "complex128". """ # noqa: D205 D212 super().__init__() self.dtype = dtype self.sobieski_problem = SobieskiProblem(dtype=dtype) self.default_input_data = self.sobieski_problem.get_default_inputs( ) def __setstate__(self, state: StrKeyMapping) -> None: super().__setstate__(state) self.sobieski_problem = SobieskiProblem(self.dtype)
[docs] @classmethod def create_with_physical_naming( cls, dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, ) -> RemappingDiscipline: """ Args: dtype: The data type for the NumPy arrays, either "float64" or "complex128". """ # noqa: D205 D212 raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class SobieskiMission(SobieskiDiscipline): """Mission discipline of the Sobieski's SSBJ use case. Compute the range with the Breguet formula. """ # TODO: API: move enable_delay to a derived class. enable_delay: bool | float """If ``True``, wait one second before computation. If a positive number, wait the corresponding number of seconds. If ``False``, compute directly. """ def __init__( self, dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, enable_delay: bool | float = False, ) -> None: """ Args: enable_delay: If ``True``, wait one second before computation. If a positive number, wait the corresponding number of seconds. If ``False``, compute directly. """ # noqa: D205 D212 super().__init__(dtype=dtype) self.enable_delay = enable_delay def _run(self, input_data: StrKeyMapping) -> StrKeyMapping | None: if self.enable_delay: if isinstance(self.enable_delay, Number): time.sleep(self.enable_delay) else: time.sleep(1.0) y_4 = self.sobieski_problem.mission.execute( input_data["x_shared"], input_data["y_14"], input_data["y_24"], input_data["y_34"], ) return {"y_4": y_4} def _compute_jacobian( self, input_names: Iterable[str] = (), output_names: Iterable[str] = (), ) -> None: if self.enable_delay: if isinstance(self.enable_delay, Number): time.sleep(self.enable_delay) else: time.sleep(1.0) local_data = self.jac = self.sobieski_problem.mission.linearize( local_data["x_shared"], local_data["y_14"], local_data["y_24"], local_data["y_34"], )
[docs] @classmethod def create_with_physical_naming( cls, dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, enable_delay: bool | float = False, ) -> RemappingDiscipline: """ Args: enable_delay: If ``True``, wait one second before computation. If a positive number, wait the corresponding number of seconds. If ``False``, compute directly. """ # noqa: D205 D212 return RemappingDiscipline( cls(dtype=dtype, enable_delay=enable_delay), { "t_w_4": ("y_14", 0), "f_w": ("y_14", 1), "altitude": ("x_shared", 1), "mach": ("x_shared", 2), "cl_cd": "y_24", "sfc": "y_34", }, {"range": "y_4"}, )
[docs] class SobieskiStructure(SobieskiDiscipline): """Structure discipline of the Sobieski's SSBJ use case.""" def __init__( # noqa: D107 self, dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, ) -> None: super().__init__(dtype=dtype) self.default_input_data["c_0"] = array([self.sobieski_problem.constants[0]]) self.default_input_data["c_1"] = array([self.sobieski_problem.constants[1]]) self.default_input_data["c_2"] = array([self.sobieski_problem.constants[2]]) def _run(self, input_data: StrKeyMapping) -> StrKeyMapping | None: y_1, y_11, y_12, y_14, g_1 = self.sobieski_problem.structure.execute( input_data["x_shared"], input_data["y_21"], input_data["y_31"], input_data["x_1"], c_0=input_data["c_0"][0], c_1=input_data["c_1"][0], c_2=input_data["c_2"][0], ) return { "y_1": y_1, "y_11": y_11, "y_12": y_12, "y_14": y_14, "g_1": g_1, } def _compute_jacobian( self, input_names: Iterable[str] = (), output_names: Iterable[str] = (), ) -> None: local_data = self.jac = self.sobieski_problem.structure.linearize( local_data["x_shared"], local_data["y_21"], local_data["y_31"], local_data["x_1"], c_2=local_data["c_2"][0], )
[docs] @classmethod def create_with_physical_naming( # noqa: D102 cls, dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT ) -> RemappingDiscipline: return RemappingDiscipline( cls(dtype=dtype), { "cl": "y_21", "e_w": "y_31", "t_c": ("x_shared", 0), "ar": ("x_shared", 3), "sweep": ("x_shared", 4), "area": ("x_shared", 5), "taper_ratio": ("x_1", 0), "wingbox_area": ("x_1", 1), "min_f_w": "c_0", "m_w": "c_1", "max_lf": "c_2", }, { "y_1": "y_1", "y_11": "y_11", "t_w_4": ("y_14", 0), "t_w_2": ("y_12", 0), "f_w": ("y_14", 1), "twist": ("y_12", 1), "stress": ("g_1", range(5)), "twist_c": ("g_1", range(5, 7)), }, )
[docs] class SobieskiAerodynamics(SobieskiDiscipline): """Aerodynamics discipline for the Sobieski's SSBJ use case.""" def __init__( # noqa: D107 self, dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, ) -> None: super().__init__(dtype=dtype) self.default_input_data["c_4"] = array([self.sobieski_problem.constants[4]]) def _run(self, input_data: StrKeyMapping) -> StrKeyMapping | None: y_2, y_21, y_23, y_24, g_2 = self.sobieski_problem.aerodynamics.execute( input_data["x_shared"], input_data["y_12"], input_data["y_32"], input_data["x_2"], c_4=input_data["c_4"][0], ) return { "y_2": y_2, "y_21": y_21, "y_23": y_23, "y_24": y_24, "g_2": g_2, } def _compute_jacobian( self, input_names: Iterable[str] = (), output_names: Iterable[str] = (), ) -> None: local_data = self.jac = self.sobieski_problem.aerodynamics.linearize( local_data["x_shared"], local_data["y_12"], local_data["y_32"], local_data["x_2"], c_4=local_data["c_4"][0], )
[docs] @classmethod def create_with_physical_naming( # noqa: D102 cls, dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, ) -> RemappingDiscipline: return RemappingDiscipline( cls(dtype=dtype), { "esf": "y_32", "t_w_2": ("y_12", 0), "twist": ("y_12", 1), "cf": "x_2", "t_c": ("x_shared", 0), "altitude": ("x_shared", 1), "mach": ("x_shared", 2), "sweep": ("x_shared", 4), "area": ("x_shared", 5), "min_cd": "c_4", }, { "y_2": "y_2", "cl": "y_21", "cd": "y_23", "cl_cd": "y_24", "dp_dx": "g_2", }, )
[docs] class SobieskiPropulsion(SobieskiDiscipline): """Propulsion discipline of the Sobieski's SSBJ use case.""" def __init__( # noqa: D107 self, dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, ) -> None: super().__init__(dtype=dtype) self.default_input_data["c_3"] = array([self.sobieski_problem.constants[3]]) def _run(self, input_data: StrKeyMapping) -> StrKeyMapping | None: y_3, y_34, y_31, y_32, g_3 = self.sobieski_problem.propulsion.execute( input_data["x_shared"], input_data["y_23"], input_data["x_3"], c_3=input_data["c_3"][0], ) return { "y_3": y_3, "y_34": y_34, "y_31": y_31, "y_32": y_32, "g_3": g_3, } def _compute_jacobian( self, input_names: Iterable[str] = (), output_names: Iterable[str] = (), ) -> None: local_data = self.jac = self.sobieski_problem.propulsion.linearize( local_data["x_shared"], local_data["y_23"], local_data["x_3"], c_3=local_data["c_3"][0], )
[docs] @classmethod def create_with_physical_naming( # noqa: D102 cls, dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, ) -> RemappingDiscipline: return RemappingDiscipline( cls(dtype=dtype), { "throttle": "x_3", "cd": "y_23", "altitude": ("x_shared", 1), "mach": ("x_shared", 2), "ref_weight": "c_3", }, { "y_3": "y_3", "sfc": ("y_3", 0), "e_w": ("y_3", 1), "esf_c": ("g_3", range(2)), "esf": "y_32", "throttle_c": ("g_3", 2), "temperature": ("g_3", 3), }, )
[docs] def create_disciplines( dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, ) -> list[SobieskiDiscipline]: """Instantiate the structure, aerodynamics, propulsion and mission disciplines. Args: dtype: The NumPy type for data arrays, either "float64" or "complex128". Returns: The structure, aerodynamics, propulsion and mission disciplines. """ return [ SobieskiStructure(dtype), SobieskiAerodynamics(dtype), SobieskiPropulsion(dtype), SobieskiMission(dtype), ]
[docs] def create_disciplines_with_physical_naming( dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType = SobieskiBase.DataType.FLOAT, ) -> list[RemappingDiscipline]: """Instantiate the structure, aerodynamics, propulsion and mission disciplines. Use a physical naming for the input and output variables. Args: dtype: The NumPy type for data arrays, either "float64" or "complex128". Returns: The structure, aerodynamics, propulsion and mission disciplines. """ return [ SobieskiStructure.create_with_physical_naming(dtype), SobieskiAerodynamics.create_with_physical_naming(dtype), SobieskiPropulsion.create_with_physical_naming(dtype), SobieskiMission.create_with_physical_naming(dtype), ]