gemseo.problems.mdo.sobieski.disciplines module#

The disciplines of the Sobieski's SSBJ use case.

class SobieskiAerodynamics(dtype=DataType.FLOAT)[source]#

Bases: SobieskiDiscipline

Aerodynamics discipline for the Sobieski's SSBJ use case.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


dtype (SobieskiBase.DataType) --

The data type for the NumPy arrays, either "float64" or "complex128".

By default it is set to "float64".

classmethod create_with_physical_naming(dtype=DataType.FLOAT)[source]#

dtype (DataType) --

The data type for the NumPy arrays, either "float64" or "complex128".

By default it is set to "float64".

Return type:


class SobieskiDiscipline(dtype=DataType.FLOAT)[source]#

Bases: Discipline

Abstract base discipline for the Sobieski's SSBJ use case.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


dtype (SobieskiBase.DataType) --

The data type for the NumPy arrays, either "float64" or "complex128".

By default it is set to "float64".

classmethod create_with_physical_naming(dtype=DataType.FLOAT)[source]#

dtype (DataType) --

The data type for the NumPy arrays, either "float64" or "complex128".

By default it is set to "float64".

Return type:


GRAMMAR_DIRECTORY: ClassVar[str | Path] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/')#

The directory in which to search for the grammar files if not the class one.

auto_detect_grammar_files: ClassVar[bool] = True#

Whether to find the grammar files automatically.

dtype: SobieskiBase.DataType#

The data type for the NumPy arrays.

sobieski_problem: SobieskiProblem#

The Sobieski's SSBJ use case defining the MDO problem, e.g. disciplines, constraints, design space and reference optimum.

class SobieskiMission(dtype=DataType.FLOAT, enable_delay=False)[source]#

Bases: SobieskiDiscipline

Mission discipline of the Sobieski's SSBJ use case.

Compute the range with the Breguet formula.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

  • dtype (SobieskiBase.DataType) --

    The data type for the NumPy arrays, either "float64" or "complex128".

    By default it is set to "float64".

  • enable_delay (bool | float) --

    If True, wait one second before computation. If a positive number, wait the corresponding number of seconds. If False, compute directly.

    By default it is set to False.

classmethod create_with_physical_naming(dtype=DataType.FLOAT, enable_delay=False)[source]#
  • enable_delay (bool | float) --

    If True, wait one second before computation. If a positive number, wait the corresponding number of seconds. If False, compute directly.

    By default it is set to False.

  • dtype (SobieskiBase.DataType) --

    By default it is set to "float64".

Return type:


enable_delay: bool | float#

If True, wait one second before computation.

If a positive number, wait the corresponding number of seconds. If False, compute directly.

class SobieskiPropulsion(dtype=DataType.FLOAT)[source]#

Bases: SobieskiDiscipline

Propulsion discipline of the Sobieski's SSBJ use case.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


dtype (SobieskiBase.DataType) --

The data type for the NumPy arrays, either "float64" or "complex128".

By default it is set to "float64".

classmethod create_with_physical_naming(dtype=DataType.FLOAT)[source]#

dtype (DataType) --

The data type for the NumPy arrays, either "float64" or "complex128".

By default it is set to "float64".

Return type:


class SobieskiStructure(dtype=DataType.FLOAT)[source]#

Bases: SobieskiDiscipline

Structure discipline of the Sobieski's SSBJ use case.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


dtype (SobieskiBase.DataType) --

The data type for the NumPy arrays, either "float64" or "complex128".

By default it is set to "float64".

classmethod create_with_physical_naming(dtype=DataType.FLOAT)[source]#

dtype (DataType) --

The data type for the NumPy arrays, either "float64" or "complex128".

By default it is set to "float64".

Return type:



Instantiate the structure, aerodynamics, propulsion and mission disciplines.


dtype (DataType) --

The NumPy type for data arrays, either "float64" or "complex128".

By default it is set to "float64".


The structure, aerodynamics, propulsion and mission disciplines.

Return type:



Instantiate the structure, aerodynamics, propulsion and mission disciplines.

Use a physical naming for the input and output variables.


dtype (DataType) --

The NumPy type for data arrays, either "float64" or "complex128".

By default it is set to "float64".


The structure, aerodynamics, propulsion and mission disciplines.

Return type:
