gemseo.algos.linear_solvers.linear_problem module#

Linear equations problem.

class LinearProblem(lhs, rhs=None, solution=None, is_symmetric=False, is_positive_def=False, is_converged=None)[source]#

Bases: BaseProblem

Representation of the linear equations' system \(Ax = b\).

It also contains the solution, and some properties of the system such as the symmetry or positive definiteness.

  • lhs (SparseOrDenseRealArray | LinearOperator) -- The left-hand side (matrix or linear operator) of the problem.

  • rhs (NumberArray | None) -- The right-hand side (vector) of the problem.

  • solution (NumberArray | None) -- The current solution.

  • is_symmetric (bool) --

    Whether the left-hand side is symmetric.

    By default it is set to False.

  • is_positive_def (bool) --

    Whether the left-hand side is positive definite.

    By default it is set to False.

  • is_converged (bool | None) -- Whether the solution is converged to the specified tolerance. If False, the algorithm stopped before convergence. If None, no run was performed.


Check the consistency of the dimensions of the LHS and RHS.


ValueError -- When the shapes are inconsistent.

Return type:


compute_residuals(relative_residuals=True, store=False, current_x=None)[source]#

Compute the Euclidean norm of the residual.

  • relative_residuals (bool) --

    If True, one computes :math:` |A x_k - b|_2 / |b|_2`, else :math:` |A x_k - b|_2`.

    By default it is set to True.

  • store (bool) --

    Whether to store the residual norm in the history.

    By default it is set to False.

  • current_x (NumberArray | None) -- Compute the residuals associated with current_x, If None, compute then from the solution attribute.


The residual norm.

Return type:



Plot the residuals' convergence in log scale.


The matplotlib figure.


ValueError -- When the residual norm history is empty.

Return type:


convergence_info: int | str#

The information provided by the solver if convergence occurred or not.

is_converged: bool | None#

Whether the solution satisfies the specified tolerance.

If None, no run was performed.

is_lhs_linear_operator: bool#

Whether the LHS is a linear operator.

is_positive_def: bool#

Whether the LHS is positive definite.

is_symmetric: bool#

Whether the LHS is symmetric.

lhs: LinearOperator | SparseOrDenseRealArray#

The left-hand side of the equation.

If None, the problem can't be solved and the user has to set it after init.

residuals_history: list[floating[Any]]#

The convergence history of residuals.

rhs: NumberArray | None#

The right-hand side of the equation.

solution: NumberArray | None#

The current solution of the problem.

solver_name: str#

The solver name.