The discipline, a key concept#

How is a discipline defined?#

What is a discipline?#

A discipline is a set of calculations that:

  • produces a dictionary of arrays as outputs

  • from a dictionary of arrays as inputs

  • using either a Python function, or equations or an external software, or a workflow engine.

How is a discipline implemented in GEMSEO?#

Programmatically speaking, disciplines are implemented in GEMSEO through the Discipline class. They are defined by three elements:

  • the Discipline.input_grammar attribute: the set of rules that defines valid input data,

  • the Discipline.output_grammar attribute: the set of rules that defines valid output data,

  • the Discipline._run() method: the method to compute the output data from the input data.


The input and output specifications are defined in a grammar, through the Discipline.input_grammar and Discipline.output_grammar attributes, which can be either a SimpleGrammar or a JSONGrammar (default grammar), or your own which derives from the BaseGrammar class.


The grammar is a very powerful and key concept. There are multiple ways of creating grammars in GEMSEO. The preferred one for integrating simulation processes is the use of a JSON schema, but is not detailed here for the sake of simplicity. For more explanations about grammars, see Interfacing simulation software.


All the inputs and outputs names of the disciplines in a scenario shall be consistent.

  • GEMSEO assumes that the data are tagged by their names with a global convention in the whole process.

  • What two disciplines call "X" shall be the same "X". The coupling variables for instance, are detected thanks to these conventions.


The disciplines are all subclasses of Discipline, from which they must inherit.

To be used, if your Discipline of interest does not exist, you must:

  • define a class inheriting from Discipline,

  • define the input and output grammars in the constructor,

  • implement the Discipline._run() method which defines the way in which the output set values are obtained from the input set values.


Typically, when we deal with an interfaced software, the Discipline._run() method gets the inputs from the input grammar, calls a software, and writes the outputs to the output grammar.


The JSON grammars are automatically detected when they are in the same folder as your subclass module and named "CLASSNAME_input.json" and "CLASSNAME_output.json" and the auto_detect_grammar_files option is True.

What are the API functions in GEMSEO?#

Once a sub-class of Discipline is defined, an instance of this discipline can be created from the create_discipline() API function.

Furthermore, many disciplines inheriting from Discipline are already implemented in GEMSEO. Use the get_available_disciplines() API function to discover them:

from gemseo import get_available_disciplines


which results in:

['RosenMF', 'SobieskiAerodynamics', 'DOEScenario', 'MDOScenario', 'SobieskiMission', 'SobieskiBaseWrapper', 'Sellar1', 'Sellar2', 'MDOChain', 'SobieskiStructure', 'Structure', 'SobieskiPropulsion', 'BaseScenario', 'AnalyticDiscipline', 'MDOScenarioAdapter', 'SellarSystem', 'ScalableFittedDiscipline', 'Aerodynamics', 'Mission', 'PropaneComb1', 'PropaneComb2', 'PropaneComb3', 'PropaneReaction', 'MDOParallelChain']


These available Discipline can be classified into different categories:

How to instantiate an existing Discipline?#

We can easily instantiate an internal discipline by means of the create_discipline(), e.g.:

from gemseo import create_discipline

sellar_system = create_discipline('SellarSystem')

We can easily instantiate multiple built-in disciplines by means of the create_discipline() method, using a list of discipline names rather than a single discipline name, e.g.:

from gemseo import create_discipline

disciplines = create_discipline(['Sellar1', 'Sellar2', 'SellarSystem'])

In this case, disciplines is a list of Discipline, where the first one is an instance of Sellar1, the second one is an instance of Sellar2 and the third one is an instance of SellarSystem.


If the constructor of a discipline has specific arguments, these arguments can be passed into a dict to the create_discipline() method, e.g.:

from gemseo import create_discipline

discipline = create_discipline('MyDisciplineWithArguments', **kwargs)

where kwargs = {'arg1_key': arg1_val, 'arg1_key': arg1_val, ...}.


We can easily instantiate an external discipline by means of the create_discipline() (see Extend GEMSEO features):

from gemseo import create_discipline

discipline = create_discipline('MyExternalDiscipline')

How to set the cache policy?#

We can set the cache policy of a discipline by means of the Discipline.set_cache() method, either using the default cache strategy, e.g.:


or the HDF5 cache strategy with the discipline name as node name (here SellarSystem), e.g.:

sellar_system.set_cache(cache_type=sellar_system.CacheType.HDF5, cache_hdf_file='cached_data.hdf5')

or the HDF5 cache strategy with a user-defined name as node name (here node), e.g.:

sellar_system.set_cache(cache_type=sellar_system.CacheType.HDF5, cache_hdf_file='cached_data.hdf5', cache_hdf_node_path='node')


Click here. to get more information about caching strategies.


The Discipline.set_cache() method takes an additional argument, named cache_tolerance, which represents the tolerance for the approximate cache maximal relative norm difference to consider that two input arrays are equal.

By default, cache_tolerance is equal to zero. We can get its value by means of the Discipline.cache_tol getter and change its value by means of the Discipline.cache_tol setter.

How to execute an Discipline?#

We can execute an Discipline, either with its default input values, e.g.:


which results in:

{'obj': array([ 1.36787944+0.j]), 'y_2': array([ 1.+0.j]), 'y_1': array([ 1.+0.j]), 'c_1': array([ 2.16+0.j]), 'c_2': array([-23.+0.j]), 'x_shared': array([ 1.+0.j,  0.+0.j]), 'x_local': array([ 0.+0.j])}

or with user-defined values, defined into a dict indexed by input data names with NumPy array values, e.g.:

import numpy as np

input_data = {'y_1': array([ 2.]), 'x_shared': array([ 1.,  0.]), 'y_2': array([ 1.]), 'x_local': array([ 0.])}

which results in:

{'obj': array([ 4.36787944+0.j]), 'y_2': array([ 1.]), 'y_1': array([ 2.]), 'c_1': array([-0.84+0.j]), 'c_2': array([-23.+0.j]), 'x_shared': array([ 1.,  0.]), 'x_local': array([ 0.])}

How to get information about an instantiated Discipline?#

5.a. How to get input and output data names?#

We can get the input and output data names by means of the Discipline.input_grammar.names() and Discipline.output_grammar.names() methods, e.g.:

print(sellar_system.input_grammar.names, sellar_system.output_grammar.names)

which results in:

['y_1', 'x_shared', 'y_2', 'x_local'] ['c_1', 'c_2', 'obj']

5.b. How to check the validity of input or output data?#

We can check the validity of a dict of input data (resp. output data) by means of the Discipline.io_data.input_grammar.validate() (resp. Discipline.io_data.output_grammar.validate()) methods, e.g.:


does not raise any error while:

sellar_system.io_data.input_grammar.validate({'a': array([1.]), 'b': array([1., -6.2])})

raises the error:

gemseo.core.grammar.InvalidDataException: Invalid input data for: SellarSystem

How to get the default input values?#

We can get the default input data by means of the Discipline.default_input_data attribute, e.g.:


which results in:

{'y_0': array([ 1.+0.j]), 'x_shared': array([ 1.+0.j,  0.+0.j]), 'y_1': array([ 1.+0.j]), 'x_local': array([ 0.+0.j])}

How to get input and output data values?#

All input or output data values as a dictionary#

The same result can be obtained with a dict format by means of the Discipline.get_input_data() and Discipline.get_output_data() methods:


which results in:

{'x_local': array([ 0.+0.j]), 'x_shared': array([ 1.+0.j,  0.+0.j]), 'y_1': array([ 1.+0.j]), 'y_0': array([ 1.+0.j])}
{'c_1': array([ 2.16+0.j]), 'c_2': array([-23.+0.j]), 'obj': array([ 1.36787944+0.j])}

How to store data in the Discipline.local_data attribute?#

We can store data in the Discipline.local_data attribute by means of the method whose arguments are the names of the variables to store. We can store either data for variables from input or output grammars, or data for other variables, e.g.:

{'obj': array([ 1.36787944+0.j]), 'y_2': array([ 1.+0.j]), 'y_1': array([ 1.+0.j]), 'c_1': array([ 2.16+0.j]), 'c_2': array([-23.+0.j]), 'x_shared': array([ 1.+0.j,  0.+0.j]), 'x_local': array([ 0.+0.j])}{'obj': array([1.]), 'new_variable': 'value'})
{'obj': array([ 1.]), 'new_variable': 'value', 'y_2': array([ 1.+0.j]), 'y_1': array([ 1.+0.j]), 'c_1': array([ 2.16+0.j]), 'c_2': array([-23.+0.j]), 'x_shared': array([ 1.+0.j,  0.+0.j]), 'x_local': array([ 0.+0.j])}