Parameter space#
The class ParameterSpace#
Variable space defining both deterministic and uncertain variables.
The ParameterSpace
class describes a set of parameters of interest
which can be either deterministic or uncertain.
This class inherits from DesignSpace
The DesignSpace.add_variable()
aims to add deterministic variables from:
a variable name,
an optional variable size (default: 1),
an optional variable type (default: float),
an optional lower bound (default: - infinity),
an optional upper bound (default: + infinity),
an optional current value (default: None).
The add_random_variable()
aims to add uncertain
variables (a.k.a. random variables) from:
a variable name,
a distribution name (see
),an optional variable size,
optional distribution parameters (
set as a tuple of positional arguments forOTDistribution
or a dictionary of keyword arguments forSPDistribution
, or keyword arguments for standard probability distribution such asOTNormalDistribution
The ParameterSpace
also provides the following methods:
: returns several samples of the uncertain variables,evaluate_cdf()
: evaluate the cumulative density function for the different variables and their differentget_range()
returns the numerical range of the different uncertain parameters,get_support()
: returns the mathematical support of the different uncertain variables,is_uncertain()
: checks if a parameter is uncertain,is_deterministic()
: checks if a parameter is deterministic.
- class ParameterSpace(name='')[source]
Parameter space.
- Parameters:
name (str) --
The name to be given to the design space. If empty, the design space is unnamed.
By default it is set to "".
- add_random_variable(name, distribution, size=1, interfaced_distribution='', interfaced_distribution_parameters=(), **parameters)[source]
Add a random variable from a probability distribution.
- Parameters:
name (str) -- The name of the random variable.
distribution (str) -- The name of a class implementing a probability distribution, e.g.
, or an interface to a library of probability distributions, e.g."OTDistribution"
.size (int) --
The dimension of the random variable. The parameters of the distribution are shared by all the components of the random variable.
By default it is set to 1.
interfaced_distribution (str) --
The name of the distribution in the library of probability distributions when
is the name of a class implementing an interface to this library.By default it is set to "".
interfaced_distribution_parameters (tuple[Any] | StrKeyMapping) --
The parameters of the distribution in the library of probability distributions when
is the name of a class implementing an interface to this library; if empty, use the default ones.By default it is set to ().
**parameters (Any) -- The parameters of the distribution; otherwise, use the default ones.
- Return type:
The probability distributions must have the same
. For instance, one cannot mix a random variable distributed as anOTUniformDistribution
with identifier"OT"
and a random variable distributed as aSPNormalDistribution
with identifier"SP"
- add_random_vector(name, distribution, size=0, interfaced_distribution='', interfaced_distribution_parameters=(), **parameters)[source]
Add a d-length random vector from a probability distribution.
The probability distributions must have the same
. For instance, one cannot mix a random vector using aOTUniformDistribution
with identifier"OT"
and a random vector using aSPNormalDistribution
with identifier"SP"
.- Parameters:
name (str) -- The name of the random vector.
distribution (str) -- The name of a class implementing a probability distribution, e.g.
, or an interface to a library of probability distributions, e.g."OTDistribution"
.size (int) --
The length d of the random vector. If
, deduce it from the parameters.By default it is set to 0.
interfaced_distribution (str) --
The name of the distribution in the library of probability distributions when
is the name of a class implementing an interface to this library.By default it is set to "".
interfaced_distribution_parameters (tuple[list[Any]] | Mapping[str, list[Any]]) --
The parameters of the distribution in the library of probability distributions when
is the name of a class implementing an interface to this library. The values of the data structure (mapping or tuple) must be set either as[p_1,...,p_d]
(one value per component of the random vector) or as[p]
(one value for all the components) If empty, use the default ones.By default it is set to ().
**parameters (list[Any]) -- The parameters of the distribution, either as
(one value per component of the random vector) or as[p]
(one value for all the components); otherwise, use the default ones.
- Raises:
ValueError -- When mixing probability distributions from different families, e.g. an
and aSPDistribution
or when the lengths of the distribution parameter collections are not consistent.- Return type:
- add_variables_from(space, *names)[source]
Add variables from another variable space.
- Parameters:
space (DesignSpace) -- The other variable space.
*names (str) -- The names of the variables.
- Return type:
- build_joint_distribution(copula=None)[source]
Build the joint probability distribution.
- Parameters:
copula (Any) -- A copula distribution defining the dependency structure between random variables; if
, consider an independent copula.- Return type:
- compute_samples(n_samples=1, as_dict=False)[source]
Sample the random variables and return the realizations.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The realizations of the random variables, either stored in an array or in a dictionary whose values are the names of the random variables and the values are the evaluations.
- Return type:
- evaluate_cdf(value, inverse=False)[source]
Evaluate the cumulative density function (or its inverse) of each marginal.
- Parameters:
value (dict[str, ndarray]) -- The values of the uncertain variables passed as a dictionary whose keys are the names of the variables.
inverse (bool) --
The type of function to evaluate. If
, compute the cumulative density function. Otherwise, compute the inverse cumulative density function.By default it is set to False.
- Returns:
A dictionary where the keys are the names of the random variables and the values are the evaluations.
- Return type:
- extract_deterministic_space()[source]
Define a new
from the deterministic variables only.- Returns:
defined by the deterministic variables only.- Return type:
- extract_uncertain_space(as_design_space=False)[source]
Define a new
from the uncertain variables only.- Parameters:
as_design_space (bool) --
, return aParameterSpace
containing the original uncertain variables as is; otherwise, return aDesignSpace
where the original uncertain variables are made deterministic. In that case, the bounds of a deterministic variable correspond to the limits of the support of the original probability distribution and the current value correspond to its mean.By default it is set to False.
- Returns:
defined by the uncertain variables only.- Return type:
- get_pretty_table(fields=(), with_index=False, capitalize=False, simplify=False)[source]
Build a tabular view of the design space.
- Parameters:
fields (Sequence[str]) --
The name of the fields to be exported. If empty, export all the fields.
By default it is set to ().
with_index (bool) --
Whether to show index of names for arrays. This is ignored for scalars.
By default it is set to False.
capitalize (bool) --
Whether to capitalize the field names and replace
by" "
.By default it is set to False.
simplify (bool) --
Whether to return a simplified tabular view.
By default it is set to False.
- Returns:
A tabular view of the design space.
- Return type:
- get_range(variable)[source]
Return the numerical range of a random variable.
- get_support(variable)[source]
Return the mathematical support of a random variable.
- get_tabular_view(decimals=2)[source]
Return a tabular view of the parameter space.
This view contains statistical information.
- static init_from_dataset(dataset, groups=None, uncertain=None, copula=None)[source]
Initialize the parameter space from a dataset.
- Parameters:
dataset (Dataset) -- The dataset used for the initialization.
groups (Iterable[str] | None) -- The groups of the dataset to be considered. If
, consider all the groups.uncertain (Mapping[str, bool] | None) -- Whether the variables should be uncertain or not.
copula (Any) -- A name of copula defining the dependency between random variables.
- Return type:
- is_deterministic(variable)[source]
Check if a variable is deterministic.
- is_uncertain(variable)[source]
Check if a variable is uncertain.
- normalize_vect(x_vect, minus_lb=True, use_dist=False, out=None)[source]
Normalize a vector of the parameter space.
If use_dist is True, use the cumulative probability distributions of the random variables to scale the components of the random variables between 0 and 1. Otherwise, use the approach defined in
with minus_lb.For the components of the deterministic variables, use the approach defined in
with minus_lb.- Parameters:
x_vect (ndarray) -- The values of the design variables.
minus_lb (bool) --
, remove the lower bounds at normalization.By default it is set to True.
use_dist (bool) --
, normalize the components of the random variables with their cumulative probability distributions.By default it is set to False.
out (ndarray | None) -- The array to store the normalized vector. If
, create a new array.
- Returns:
The normalized vector.
- Return type:
- remove_variable(name)[source]
Remove a variable from the probability space.
- Parameters:
name (str) -- The name of the variable.
- Return type:
- rename_variable(current_name, new_name)[source]
Rename a variable.
- to_design_space()[source]
Convert the parameter space into a
.The original deterministic variables are kept as is while the original uncertain variables are made deterministic. In that case, the bounds of a deterministic variable correspond to the limits of the support of the original probability distribution and the current value correspond to its mean.
- Returns:
where all original variables are made deterministic.- Return type:
- transform_vect(vector, out=None)[source]
Map a point of the design space to a vector with components in \([0,1]\).
- unnormalize_vect(x_vect, minus_lb=True, no_check=False, use_dist=False, out=None)[source]
Unnormalize a normalized vector of the parameter space.
is True, use the inverse cumulative probability distributions of the random variables to unscale the components of the random variables. Otherwise, use the approach defined inDesignSpace.unnormalize_vect()
with minus_lb and no_check.For the components of the deterministic variables, use the approach defined in
with minus_lb and no_check.- Parameters:
x_vect (ndarray) -- The values of the design variables.
minus_lb (bool) --
Whether to remove the lower bounds at normalization.
By default it is set to True.
no_check (bool) --
Whether to check if the components are in \([0,1]\).
By default it is set to False.
use_dist (bool) --
Whether to unnormalize the components of the random variables with their inverse cumulative probability distributions.
By default it is set to False.
out (ndarray | None) -- The array to store the unnormalized vector. If
, create a new array.
- Returns:
The unnormalized vector.
- Return type:
- untransform_vect(vector, no_check=False, out=None)[source]
Map a vector with components in \([0,1]\) to the design space.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
A point of the variables space.
- Return type:
- dimension: int
The total dimension of the space, corresponding to the sum of the sizes of the variables.
- distribution: BaseJointDistribution
The joint probability distribution of the uncertain variables.
- distributions: dict[str, BaseJointDistribution]
The marginal probability distributions of the uncertain variables.
These variables are defined as random vectors with independent components.
- class RandomVariable(distribution, size, parameters)
Create new instance of RandomVariable(distribution, size, parameters)
- distribution
Alias for field number 0
- parameters
Alias for field number 2
- size
Alias for field number 1
- class RandomVector(distribution, size, parameters)
Create new instance of RandomVector(distribution, size, parameters)
- distribution
Alias for field number 0
- parameters
Alias for field number 2
- size
Alias for field number 1