Parameter space#

The class ParameterSpace#

Variable space defining both deterministic and uncertain variables.


The ParameterSpace class describes a set of parameters of interest which can be either deterministic or uncertain. This class inherits from DesignSpace.


The DesignSpace.add_variable() aims to add deterministic variables from:

  • a variable name,

  • an optional variable size (default: 1),

  • an optional variable type (default: float),

  • an optional lower bound (default: - infinity),

  • an optional upper bound (default: + infinity),

  • an optional current value (default: None).

The add_random_variable() aims to add uncertain variables (a.k.a. random variables) from:

The ParameterSpace also provides the following methods:

class ParameterSpace(name='')[source]

Parameter space.


name (str) --

The name to be given to the design space. If empty, the design space is unnamed.

By default it is set to "".

add_random_variable(name, distribution, size=1, interfaced_distribution='', interfaced_distribution_parameters=(), **parameters)[source]

Add a random variable from a probability distribution.

  • name (str) -- The name of the random variable.

  • distribution (str) -- The name of a class implementing a probability distribution, e.g. "OTUniformDistribution" or "SPUniformDistribution", or an interface to a library of probability distributions, e.g. "OTDistribution" or "SPDistribution".

  • size (int) --

    The dimension of the random variable. The parameters of the distribution are shared by all the components of the random variable.

    By default it is set to 1.

  • interfaced_distribution (str) --

    The name of the distribution in the library of probability distributions when distribution is the name of a class implementing an interface to this library.

    By default it is set to "".

  • interfaced_distribution_parameters (tuple[Any] | StrKeyMapping) --

    The parameters of the distribution in the library of probability distributions when distribution is the name of a class implementing an interface to this library; if empty, use the default ones.

    By default it is set to ().

  • **parameters (Any) -- The parameters of the distribution; otherwise, use the default ones.

Return type:



The probability distributions must have the same DISTRIBUTION_FAMILY_ID. For instance, one cannot mix a random variable distributed as an OTUniformDistribution with identifier "OT" and a random variable distributed as a SPNormalDistribution with identifier "SP".

add_random_vector(name, distribution, size=0, interfaced_distribution='', interfaced_distribution_parameters=(), **parameters)[source]

Add a d-length random vector from a probability distribution.


The probability distributions must have the same DISTRIBUTION_FAMILY_ID. For instance, one cannot mix a random vector using a OTUniformDistribution with identifier "OT" and a random vector using a SPNormalDistribution with identifier "SP".

  • name (str) -- The name of the random vector.

  • distribution (str) -- The name of a class implementing a probability distribution, e.g. "OTUniformDistribution" or "SPUniformDistribution", or an interface to a library of probability distributions, e.g. "OTDistribution" or "SPDistribution".

  • size (int) --

    The length d of the random vector. If 0, deduce it from the parameters.

    By default it is set to 0.

  • interfaced_distribution (str) --

    The name of the distribution in the library of probability distributions when distribution is the name of a class implementing an interface to this library.

    By default it is set to "".

  • interfaced_distribution_parameters (tuple[list[Any]] | Mapping[str, list[Any]]) --

    The parameters of the distribution in the library of probability distributions when distribution is the name of a class implementing an interface to this library. The values of the data structure (mapping or tuple) must be set either as [p_1,...,p_d] (one value per component of the random vector) or as [p] (one value for all the components) If empty, use the default ones.

    By default it is set to ().

  • **parameters (list[Any]) -- The parameters of the distribution, either as [p_1,...,p_d] (one value per component of the random vector) or as [p] (one value for all the components); otherwise, use the default ones.


ValueError -- When mixing probability distributions from different families, e.g. an OTDistribution and a SPDistribution or when the lengths of the distribution parameter collections are not consistent.

Return type:


add_variables_from(space, *names)[source]

Add variables from another variable space.

  • space (DesignSpace) -- The other variable space.

  • *names (str) -- The names of the variables.

Return type:



Build the joint probability distribution.


copula (Any) -- A copula distribution defining the dependency structure between random variables; if None, consider an independent copula.

Return type:


compute_samples(n_samples=1, as_dict=False)[source]

Sample the random variables and return the realizations.

  • n_samples (int) --

    A number of samples.

    By default it is set to 1.

  • as_dict (bool) --

    The type of the returned object. If True, return a dictionary. Otherwise, return an array.

    By default it is set to False.


The realizations of the random variables, either stored in an array or in a dictionary whose values are the names of the random variables and the values are the evaluations.

Return type:

dict[str, ndarray] | ndarray

evaluate_cdf(value, inverse=False)[source]

Evaluate the cumulative density function (or its inverse) of each marginal.

  • value (dict[str, ndarray]) -- The values of the uncertain variables passed as a dictionary whose keys are the names of the variables.

  • inverse (bool) --

    The type of function to evaluate. If True, compute the cumulative density function. Otherwise, compute the inverse cumulative density function.

    By default it is set to False.


A dictionary where the keys are the names of the random variables and the values are the evaluations.

Return type:

dict[str, ndarray]


Define a new DesignSpace from the deterministic variables only.


A DesignSpace defined by the deterministic variables only.

Return type:



Define a new DesignSpace from the uncertain variables only.


as_design_space (bool) --

If False, return a ParameterSpace containing the original uncertain variables as is; otherwise, return a DesignSpace where the original uncertain variables are made deterministic. In that case, the bounds of a deterministic variable correspond to the limits of the support of the original probability distribution and the current value correspond to its mean.

By default it is set to False.


A ParameterSpace defined by the uncertain variables only.

Return type:

DesignSpace | ParameterSpace

get_pretty_table(fields=(), with_index=False, capitalize=False, simplify=False)[source]

Build a tabular view of the design space.

  • fields (Sequence[str]) --

    The name of the fields to be exported. If empty, export all the fields.

    By default it is set to ().

  • with_index (bool) --

    Whether to show index of names for arrays. This is ignored for scalars.

    By default it is set to False.

  • capitalize (bool) --

    Whether to capitalize the field names and replace "_" by " ".

    By default it is set to False.

  • simplify (bool) --

    Whether to return a simplified tabular view.

    By default it is set to False.


A tabular view of the design space.

Return type:



Return the numerical range of a random variable.


variable (str) -- The name of the random variable.


The range of the components of the random variable.

Return type:



Return the mathematical support of a random variable.


variable (str) -- The name of the random variable.


The support of the components of the random variable.

Return type:



Return a tabular view of the parameter space.

This view contains statistical information.


decimals (int) --

The number of decimals to print.

By default it is set to 2.


The tabular view.

Return type:


static init_from_dataset(dataset, groups=None, uncertain=None, copula=None)[source]

Initialize the parameter space from a dataset.

  • dataset (Dataset) -- The dataset used for the initialization.

  • groups (Iterable[str] | None) -- The groups of the dataset to be considered. If None, consider all the groups.

  • uncertain (Mapping[str, bool] | None) -- Whether the variables should be uncertain or not.

  • copula (Any) -- A name of copula defining the dependency between random variables.

Return type:



Check if a variable is deterministic.


variable (str) -- The name of the variable.


True is the variable is deterministic.

Return type:



Check if a variable is uncertain.


variable (str) -- The name of the variable.


True is the variable is uncertain.

Return type:


normalize_vect(x_vect, minus_lb=True, use_dist=False, out=None)[source]

Normalize a vector of the parameter space.

If use_dist is True, use the cumulative probability distributions of the random variables to scale the components of the random variables between 0 and 1. Otherwise, use the approach defined in DesignSpace.normalize_vect() with minus_lb.

For the components of the deterministic variables, use the approach defined in DesignSpace.normalize_vect() with minus_lb.

  • x_vect (ndarray) -- The values of the design variables.

  • minus_lb (bool) --

    If True, remove the lower bounds at normalization.

    By default it is set to True.

  • use_dist (bool) --

    If True, normalize the components of the random variables with their cumulative probability distributions.

    By default it is set to False.

  • out (ndarray | None) -- The array to store the normalized vector. If None, create a new array.


The normalized vector.

Return type:



Remove a variable from the probability space.


name (str) -- The name of the variable.

Return type:


rename_variable(current_name, new_name)[source]

Rename a variable.

  • current_name (str) -- The name of the variable to rename.

  • new_name (str) -- The new name of the variable.

Return type:



Convert the parameter space into a DesignSpace.

The original deterministic variables are kept as is while the original uncertain variables are made deterministic. In that case, the bounds of a deterministic variable correspond to the limits of the support of the original probability distribution and the current value correspond to its mean.


A DesignSpace where all original variables are made deterministic.

Return type:


transform_vect(vector, out=None)[source]

Map a point of the design space to a vector with components in \([0,1]\).

  • vector (ndarray) -- A point of the design space.

  • out (ndarray | None) -- The array to store the transformed vector. If None, create a new array.


A vector with components in \([0,1]\).

Return type:


unnormalize_vect(x_vect, minus_lb=True, no_check=False, use_dist=False, out=None)[source]

Unnormalize a normalized vector of the parameter space.

If use_dist is True, use the inverse cumulative probability distributions of the random variables to unscale the components of the random variables. Otherwise, use the approach defined in DesignSpace.unnormalize_vect() with minus_lb and no_check.

For the components of the deterministic variables, use the approach defined in DesignSpace.unnormalize_vect() with minus_lb and no_check.

  • x_vect (ndarray) -- The values of the design variables.

  • minus_lb (bool) --

    Whether to remove the lower bounds at normalization.

    By default it is set to True.

  • no_check (bool) --

    Whether to check if the components are in \([0,1]\).

    By default it is set to False.

  • use_dist (bool) --

    Whether to unnormalize the components of the random variables with their inverse cumulative probability distributions.

    By default it is set to False.

  • out (ndarray | None) -- The array to store the unnormalized vector. If None, create a new array.


The unnormalized vector.

Return type:


untransform_vect(vector, no_check=False, out=None)[source]

Map a vector with components in \([0,1]\) to the design space.

  • vector (ndarray) -- A vector with components in \([0,1]\).

  • no_check (bool) --

    Whether to check if the components are in \([0,1]\).

    By default it is set to False.

  • out (ndarray | None) -- The array to store the untransformed vector. If None, create a new array.


A point of the variables space.

Return type:


property deterministic_variables: list[str]

The deterministic variables.

dimension: int

The total dimension of the space, corresponding to the sum of the sizes of the variables.

distribution: BaseJointDistribution

The joint probability distribution of the uncertain variables.

distributions: dict[str, BaseJointDistribution]

The marginal probability distributions of the uncertain variables.

These variables are defined as random vectors with independent components.

name: str | None

The name of the space.

normalize: dict[str, BooleanArray]

The normalization policies of the variables components indexed by the variables names; if True, the component can be normalized.

uncertain_variables: list[str]

The names of the uncertain variables.

class RandomVariable(distribution, size, parameters)

Create new instance of RandomVariable(distribution, size, parameters)


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1

class RandomVector(distribution, size, parameters)

Create new instance of RandomVector(distribution, size, parameters)


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1


See the examples about parameter space.