gemseo / mlearning / quality_measures

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mse_measure module

The mean squared error to measure the quality of a regression algorithm.

The mse_measure module implements the concept of mean squared error measures for machine learning algorithms.

This concept is implemented through the MSEMeasure class and overloads the MLErrorMeasure._compute_measure() method.

The mean squared error (MSE) is defined by


where \(\\hat{y}\) are the predictions and \(y\) are the data points.

class gemseo.mlearning.quality_measures.mse_measure.MSEMeasure(algo, fit_transformers=True)[source]

Bases: MLErrorMeasure

The Mean Squared Error measure for machine learning.

  • algo (MLRegressionAlgo) – A machine learning algorithm for regression.

  • fit_transformers (bool) –

    Whether to re-fit the transformers when using resampling techniques. If False, use the transformers of the algorithm fitted from the whole learning dataset.

    By default it is set to True.

algo: MLSupervisedAlgo

The machine learning algorithm whose quality we want to measure.

Examples using MSEMeasure

Calibration of a polynomial regression

Calibration of a polynomial regression

Machine learning algorithm selection example

Machine learning algorithm selection example





MSE for regression models

MSE for regression models

RMSE for regression models

RMSE for regression models

Advanced mixture of experts

Advanced mixture of experts