How to deal with scenarios#
1. How is a scenario defined?#
1.a. What is a scenario?#
A scenario is an interface that:
creates an optimization or sampling problem,
from a set of disciplines and a multidisciplinary formulation based on a design space and on an objective name,
executes it from an optimization or sampling algorithm with mandatory arguments and options and
post-process it.
1.b. How does a scenario is implemented in GEMSEO?#
Programmatically speaking, scenarios are implemented in GEMSEO through the BaseScenario
abstract class
inheriting from the Discipline
class and derived classes:
class inheriting fromBaseScenario
is dedicated to optimization processes.The
class inheriting fromBaseScenario
is dedicated to trade-off studies and sampling processes.
A BaseScenario
is defined by four main elements:
attribute: the list ofDiscipline
attribute: the multidisciplinary formulation based onDesignSpace
attribute: the optimization results,the
attribute: the post-processing set of methods.
1.c. What are the API functions in GEMSEO?#
After the instantiation of the different Discipline
an instance of this scenario can be created from the create_scenario()
API function whose arguments are:
: thelist
of instantiatedDiscipline
: the multidisciplinary formulation name (str
: the objective name (str
: the instantiatedDesignSpace
: the optional name of the scenario (str
: the optional type of scenario ('MDO'
: the choice between maximizing or minimizing the objective function (bool
: options passed to the multidisciplinary formulation.
The types of scenarios already implemented in GEMSEO can be obtained by means of the get_available_scenario_types()
API function:
from gemseo import get_available_scenario_types
which results in:
["MDO", "DOE"]
2. How to create a scenario?#
We can easily create an MDOScenario
or a DOEScenario
from the create_scenario()
API function.
2.a. Instantiate the disciplines#
For that, we first instantiate the different Discipline
, e.g.
from gemseo import create_discipline
disciplines = create_discipline(['Sellar1', 'Sellar2', 'SellarSystem'])
2.b. Define the design space#
Then, we define the design space,
either by instantiating a DesignSpace
from gemseo.problems.mdo.sellar.sellar_design_space import SellarDesignSpace
design_space = SellarDesignSpace()
or by means of the file path of the design space:
design_space = 'path_to_sellar_design_space.csv'
2.c. Define the objective function#
The objective function should be an output taken among the output list of the different Discipline
, e.g.
objective_name = 'obj'
2.d. Define the multidisciplinary formulation#
From the design space and the objective name,
the BaseScenario
automatically builds an multidisciplinary formulation
corresponding to a multidisciplinary formulation name specified by the user, e.g.
formulation = 'MDF'
The list of the different available formulations can be obtained by means of the get_available_formulations()
API function:
from gemseo import get_available_formulations
which yields:
['BiLevel', 'IDF', 'MDF', 'DisciplinaryOpt']
formulation options can also be passed to the create_scenario()
API function.
Available options for the different formulations are presented in MDO formulations.
2.e. Choose the type of scenario#
Just before the BaseScenario
the type of scenario must be chosen, e.g.
scenario_type = 'MDO'
Remind that the different types of scenario can be obtained by means of the get_available_scenario_types()
API function:
from gemseo import get_available_scenario_types
which yields:
['MDO', 'DOE']
2.f. Instantiate the scenario#
From these different elements, we can instantiate the BaseScenario
by means of the create_scenario()
API function:
from gemseo import create_scenario
scenario = create_scenario(
2.g. Get the names of design variables#
We can use the BaseScenario.get_optim_variable_names()
method of the BaseScenario
to access formulation design variables names in a convenient way:
which yields:
['x_local', 'x_shared']
2.g. Get the design space#
The design space can be accessed using the BaseScenario.design_space
property of the BaseScenario
which yields:
| name | lower_bound | value | upper_bound | type |
| x_local | 0 | (1+0j) | 10 | float |
| x_shared | -10 | (4+0j) | 10 | float |
| x_shared | 0 | (3+0j) | 10 | float |
2.h. Visualize the scenario before execute it (XDSM graph)#
The simplest way to visualize how the BaseScenario
manages the workflow and dataflow before to execute it
is to log them in the console or in a file using GEMSEO's logger.
The method BaseScenario.xdsmize()
of the BaseScenario
can be used to this aim (monitor=True
If save_html
(default True), will generate a self contained HTML file, that can be automatically open using the option show_html=True
If save_json
is True, it will generate a XDSMjs input file XDSM visualization.
It will log the status of the workflow if log_workflow_status=True
scenario.xdsmize(monitor=True, log_workflow_status=True, show_html=False)
which yields:
INFO - 13:21:18 : {MDOScenario(RUNNING), {MDAChain(PENDING), [{MDAJacobi(None), (Sellar1(None), Sellar2(None), ), }, SellarSystem(None), ], }, }
INFO - 13:21:18 : {MDOScenario(RUNNING), {MDAChain(RUNNING), [{MDAJacobi(PENDING), (Sellar1(None), Sellar2(None), ), }, SellarSystem(None), ], }, }
INFO - 13:21:18 : {MDOScenario(RUNNING), {MDAChain(RUNNING), [{MDAJacobi(RUNNING), (Sellar1(PENDING), Sellar2(PENDING), ), }, SellarSystem(None), ], }, }
INFO - 13:21:18 : {MDOScenario(RUNNING), {MDAChain(RUNNING), [{MDAJacobi(RUNNING), (Sellar1(RUNNING), Sellar2(RUNNING), ), }, SellarSystem(None), ], }, }
INFO - 13:21:18 : {MDOScenario(RUNNING), {MDAChain(RUNNING), [{MDAJacobi(RUNNING), (Sellar1(DONE), Sellar2(RUNNING), ), }, SellarSystem(None), ], }, }
INFO - 13:21:18 : {MDOScenario(RUNNING), {MDAChain(RUNNING), [{MDAJacobi(RUNNING), (Sellar1(PENDING), Sellar2(PENDING), ), }, SellarSystem(None), ], }, }
INFO - 13:21:18 : {MDOScenario(RUNNING), {MDAChain(RUNNING), [{MDAJacobi(RUNNING), (Sellar1(PENDING), Sellar2(PENDING), ), }, SellarSystem(None), ], }, }
INFO - 13:21:18 : {MDOScenario(RUNNING), {MDAChain(RUNNING), [{MDAJacobi(RUNNING), (Sellar1(RUNNING), Sellar2(RUNNING), ), }, SellarSystem(None), ], }, }

Moreover, you can export a static version of the XDSM in both TIKZ, LaTeX and PDF files
by means of the save_pdf
boolean argument of the
eventually specifying the output directory directory_path='SOME_PATH'
3. How to execute a scenario?#
When the BaseScenario
is created, we can execute it to solve the optimization problem, e.g.
scenario.execute(algo_name="SLSQP", max_iter=100) # MDO case
or sampling the problem, e.g.
doe_scenario = create_scenario(
doe_scenario.execute(algo_name="PYDOE_LHS", n_samples=100) # DOE case
and DOEScenario.execute()
use an algorithm name (algo_name
as well as settings, passed either as a Pydantic model (settings_model
) or as keyword arguments
(see BaseScenario.get_available_driver_names()
for a complete list of algorithm names).
In particular,
requires the mandatory setting parameter max_iter
corresponding to the maximum number of iterations of the optimization algorithm
and MDOScenario
the mandatory setting parameter n_samples
or other setting parameters to deduce it.
See also
We can print scenario information (disciplines, MDO formulation and algorithm):
which yields:
Disciplines: Sellar1 Sellar2 SellarSystem
MDOFormulation: MDF
Algorithm: SLSQP
4. How to get the optimum solution?#
Once the BaseScenario
is executed, the optimum results can be found in the execution log.
It is also possible to extract them by invoking the BaseScenario.get_optimum()
method of the BaseScenario
It returns a dictionary containing the optimum results for the scenario under consideration:
opt_results = scenario.get_optimum()
print("The solution of P is (x*,f(x*)) = ({}, {})".format(
opt_results.x_opt, opt_results.f_opt
which yields:
The solution of P is (x*,f(x*)) = ([ 0.00000000e+00 5.81632893e-01 6.38978246e-10], (0.527289923509+0j)).
5. How to log disciplinary and total execution metrics?#
The BaseScenario.print_execution_metrics()
method of the BaseScenario
adds disciplinary and total execution metrics in the logs:
which yields:
INFO - 12:50:53 : * BaseScenario Executions statistics *
INFO - 12:50:53 : * Discipline: Sellar1
INFO - 12:50:53 : Executions number: 128
INFO - 12:50:53 : Execution time: 0.00471186637878 s
INFO - 12:50:53 : Linearizations number: 9
INFO - 12:50:53 : * Discipline: Sellar2
INFO - 12:50:53 : Executions number: 128
INFO - 12:50:53 : Execution time: 0.0041139125824 s
INFO - 12:50:53 : Linearizations number: 9
INFO - 12:50:53 : * Discipline: SellarSystem
INFO - 12:50:53 : Executions number: 15
INFO - 12:50:53 : Execution time: 0.00153756141663 s
INFO - 12:50:53 : Linearizations number: 9
INFO - 12:50:53 : Total number of executions calls 271
INFO - 12:50:53 : Total number of linearizations 27
6. How to visualize the scenario execution and results?#
GEMSEO provides many post-processing tools which can be called
either by means of the BaseScenario.post_process()
method of the BaseScenario
or by means of the execute_post()
API function.
method of the BaseScenario
returns the list of available post-processing methods.
Find more information about post-processing and visualization here: How to deal with post-processing.